Common questions based on pimples

Common questions based on pimples 
Hi friends, Most of us suffer from a pimple problem. But how many of you know, why pimple come? What are the facts behind pimple formation? Is pimple spreads from another person? Does our diet creates pimple or increase it? Whether pimple come only to young teen people? We often don't think about the fact and root cause of any problem, we only look at the problem but not the reason behind it. Here I share a few facts about pimple and also try to give answers for the above questions. In our body, there is a sebaceous gland that secretes the sebum. Whenever the new cells grown the dead cells comes out. When this dead skin cell and sebum accumulate in the skin pores it leads to the pimple. Often pimple makes an irritation. To cure pimple, get Best Pimple Care Treatment In Madurai.

Pimple never spread from others. So don't worry about it. But if you rub your skin where the pimple is present then it will spread to rest of your own skin. There is no strong evidence to say that consuming particular food in your diet will cause acne or pimple, but maintaining a healthy diet reduces its impact. Pimple often comes to teenage people but it also comes to people at any age. If you take the survey, among the people who are above the age of 25, 3 percent of men and 12 percent of women are affected by the pimple problem. To get rid of your pimple go and take Best Pimple Care Treatment In Madurai. For more details contact @ 73 73 163 000 or surf their website @ For more updates visit

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